Cold Days in Ambler/ Alex '16

I guess I'm a little... okay, highly caffeinated right now. I'm making blogging shoots more common and trying to get them on here as soon as I can. I haven't shot in a skate park in such a long time, I haven't even skated in forever. Alex picked up these pants a few days ago and I fell in love with them. We got to Ambler skatepark around 11am, before any skaters got there. Only a dad and his two kids rolling around. It's been surprisingly warm for December so we're taking full advantage of that. The funny thing is the only reason I know about Ambler is because I had to do a school project a few years ago, drove past it and today was the first day to actually check it out. By the time we were done shooting, it was getting a lot windier and colder. It was nice to skate again considering the last time I was on a board was about two months ago. Pretty sure I haven't told you guys I've skateboarded for over the past ten years.

Model: Alex Kelly


Let's Go To Japan/ Chelsea '16


A Rainy Day with Friends