Summers in Belmar, New Jersey
What is such a crazy time to be living in. On top of that, I’ve moved back to New Jersey after spending the past three months in Colorado.
Dreamland/ Dylan and Shannon '17
It's always a good time when I'm able to catch up with Dylan and Shannon. It's constant laughs, loads of candid photos and just all around good times.
Shannon/ Free People Feb '17
Dylan and I have shot quite a bit together and she's always mentioned she's liked styling. The other day we were able to snag Shannon for a few hours and I let her at it.
Dylan and Nolan/ Up By The Fire And Some Flowers
The weather is up and down in New Jersey right now so shooting inside is becoming more common.
Cotton Candy Sunsets/ Dylan and Nolan(With video)
Getting to the location late, we had little sunlight and we chased the sun down the coastline.
Asbury Adventures with Dylan and Nolan
Skeptical about new models, Nolan slays the camera.